Horse Master Equi Diur

Availability: In stock
Horse Master Equi Diur is a formula for horses made from extracts of Artichoke, Boldo and Goldenrod. This complex combines the properties of plants well known for their protective action on the liver system. The Goldenrod is also known for its diuretic property. Equi Diur is particularly recommended for athlete horses to promote the elimination of toxins from muscle contraction. It can be indicated for horses receiving a high-starch ration, overweight horses or elderly horses to support hepato-renal metabolism.
The kidneys and liver have vital functions in the body, since they are in charge of filtration, absorption of the nutrients, digestion and waste treatment. In certain situations (pathology, intense exercises, treatments) the hepato-renal system requires stimulation to optimize its functioning.
Add Equi Diur to the daily feed
  • Maintenance: 30 ml per day.
  • Sport and racing horses: 60 ml per day.
In hard training period, give Equi Diur every month. In case of race or competition, start giving Equi Diur 2 to 8 days before the event.
Click here for the composition of this supplement.
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